
(also known as Vedic Astrology and so much more)

Most people do not understand what Jyotish is or why it is important. I would like to give some insight into Jyotish from an ayurvedic perspective. Teaching Ayurveda without Jyotish is as incomplete as teaching Ayurveda without Yoga. Yoga helps us live in tune with our body, Ayurveda helps us live in tune with Nature, whereas Jyotish helps us live in tune with the Universe.

Jyotish is a Sanskrit word which means Lord of Light. Jyoti means light and Isha means Lord. It is referring to the Sun, Moon, stars and planets. It is the science of cosmic lights and their effects on human life.

yoga energy jyotish moon

Just as the full moon affects people’s minds and moods, other planets similarly affect the tissues of the body (dhatus). According to Ayurveda, every individual has seven bodily tissues and according to Jyotish they are influenced by the different planets. For example, the Sun governs the consciousness and the eyes, Jupiter governs knowledge, Mercury the intellect, Mars the blood and the liver, Saturn the neuro-muscular system and Venus the reproductive system.

As all individuals have their own unique innate ayurvedic constitution (prakruti) they also have their own innate planetary constitution (kundali). This planetary constitution influences the physical, environmental, mental and spiritual status of each person.

yoga energy ayurvedic gems

Most people only work on keeping their ayurvedic doshas balanced through nutrition, herbs, daily routine, lifestyle, yoga practice, etc. A more complete and often more effective way is to also add specific crystals, gems, mudras, mantras and rituals based on their innate jyotish chart. By using the science of Jyotish balance can be maintained and/or achieved easier.

See you on the hot mat and as Ganesha would say, “Enjoy Life and Feed Your Rat!”

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Om Shreem Hreem Kleem Shreem Lakshmi Ragachchha Gachchh Mam Mandire Tishth Tishth Swaha


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