Selenite (a form of Gypsum) is a natural mineral found throughout Europe, Mexico, and in the southwestern United States. The mineral is created from landlocked salt water that has evaporated.

The word Selenite comes from the Greek “selenites”, meaning “moon stone” with “Selene” meaning “Moon” and also being the name of the Greek Goddess of the Moon. Selenite is a nearly transparent and colorless crystal with a pearly luster that glows and can resemble the moon. Selenite can be colorless, gray, white, green or golden brown.

One of the most awesome selenite mines is the Cave Of the Giant Crystals in Mexico. The Naica Mine of Chihuahua, Mexico found crystals of selenite as large as 4 feet in diameter and 50 feet long. The cave is approximately 1000 feet deep. This cave has a wall with so many crystals, it looks like an ocean current.

Selenite powder has been used cosmetically for thousands of years to enhance one's natural beauty. There are different colors and forms of selenite each with its own specific metaphysical properties. It is believed that this crystal assists with mental focus, growth, luck, and soothes the emotions.

Astrologically, Selenite is connected with the zodiac sun sign of Taurus. The clear selenite activates the seventh (crown) chakra. Also, holding Selenite over the third eye you can send out positive intentions. For a peaceful atmosphere have a large selenite crystal in the home or keep one near by.

yoga energy tumbled selenite

Traditionally, Ayurveda does not use selenite in any specific way. However due to its strong synergistic properties it could be used with all the ayurvedic stones to enhance and amplify their energies.

For cleansing, do not soak selenite in salt water — this mineral is water soluble.

Be loving towards this beautiful mineral and it will assist you with all your needs.

See you on the hot mat and as Ganesha would say, "Enjoy Life and Feed Your Rat!"

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